Climate change and security in Europe and Central Asia

Climate change and security in Europe and Central Asia

November 22, 2017

Climate change is no longer only an environmental issue. Increasingly, governments and organizations consider it an inherent element in national and international security agendas.

Climate change can impact security in a number of ways. Increasing competition over access to natural resources can lead to conflict solutions if no effective dispute resolution mechanisms are in place. Increasing frequency and velocity of climate-induced disasters can aggravate political instability and put livelihoods at risk. Climate change cooperation and climate diplomacy often means to address such issues and are good entry points for contributing to preventing tensions and strengthening trust.

These studies are the result of a combination of desk research and extensive multi-stakeholder consultations. They consider the perception of 552 national stakeholders, who took part in the national and regional consultations. The study considers a broad range of perceived risks, including livelihood security, human and economic losses, pressures from competition for natural resources, water shortages, water and energy insecurity, damage to infrastructure, loss of biodiversity, increased social tensions, changes in trade patterns, loss of sources of income and decreased physical security. UNDP led the studies, working with its partners in OSCE and UN Environment.